Milevska Trio Concert @ Hôtel Westminster Nice

26 octobre 2018
19 h 00 min
27 Promenade des Anglais, 06000 Nice
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Concert avec le MILEVSKA Trio à L’Hotel Westminster, Nice

Vendredi 26 Octobre à 19h00
Rossitza Milevska- harpe et voix
Franck Le Donne- basse
Cedric Le Donne-batterie et percussions

«…Mis en place, swing, chauffe, tout y est…jamais nous n’avions entendu jouer de la harpe jazz de cette façon…Un punch incroyable, des idées, et soutenue merveilleusement par sa rythmique contrebasse et batterie…»

Extraits «LE JAZZ A BAUDOT» Evasion Mag

« …When I first came across her music, I couldn’t believe what she was doing. She had found a way to play the concert harp in absolutely contemporary terms. Her work with her jazz trio showed that she listened to a range of soloists—harpists but also pianists and guitarists. She has developed a style that is elegant, concise and powerful. There is a marvelous use of space that is perfect for the harp. Yet it sets her totally apart from anybody else playing the harp in jazz or pop settings… »
Extrait de Music for Music by Dan Ursini